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» Mitglieder: 66
» Neuestes Mitglied: Marcus Flavius Celtillus
» Foren-Themen: 26
» Foren-Beiträge: 173


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Ladinian State Visit - Ad...
Forum: Senate Hall
Letzter Beitrag: Arcadian Senate
03.11.2023, 19:42
» Antworten: 0
» Ansichten: 83
[Ladinian State Visit] Ar...
Forum: The Commonwealth Senate
Letzter Beitrag: Arcadia
03.11.2023, 19:18
» Antworten: 18
» Ansichten: 2.194
Forum: The Communal City of Murdoch
Letzter Beitrag: IAMP
14.04.2023, 00:00
» Antworten: 23
» Ansichten: 4.970
Presidential Office
Forum: The Office of the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth
Letzter Beitrag: Robert Danby
09.04.2023, 16:33
» Antworten: 0
» Ansichten: 456
Forum: The Executive Palace
Letzter Beitrag: Robert Danby
09.04.2023, 16:00
» Antworten: 12
» Ansichten: 1.792
General Debate
Forum: Senate Hall
Letzter Beitrag: Lucas Florent Aubert
04.04.2023, 00:39
» Antworten: 4
» Ansichten: 809
1st extraordinary session...
Forum: Commonwealth House of Children Hall
Letzter Beitrag: Arcadian Youth Parliament
03.04.2023, 23:24
» Antworten: 0
» Ansichten: 233
[Ladinian State Visit] Ar...
Forum: Crabtree City Airport
Letzter Beitrag: Arcadius Flavius Aelianus
27.03.2023, 08:20
» Antworten: 30
» Ansichten: 3.428
Invitation to the Virtual...
Forum: The Office of the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth
Letzter Beitrag: Robert Danby
21.03.2023, 16:22
» Antworten: 1
» Ansichten: 301
Notable Arcadian politica...
Forum: Commonwealth Information Office
Letzter Beitrag: Arcadia
20.03.2023, 21:49
» Antworten: 0
» Ansichten: 715

  Ladinian State Visit - Address by the Ladinian Emperor of the West
Geschrieben von: Arcadian Senate - 03.11.2023, 19:42 - Forum: Senate Hall - Keine Antworten

Die Mitglieder des Senates erwarten die Ankunft der Regierungsdelegation und der Senatsdelegationen, die den Ladinischen Kaiser des Westens zur Senatssitzung eskortieren. Die Präsidentin pro tempore übernimmt den Vorsitz während alle auf die Ankunft warten. Die Senatorinnen und Senatoren tragen allesamt ihre Blauen Ponchos und nutzen die Zeit für Gespräche politischer und persönlicher Art untereinander.

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  Presidential Office
Geschrieben von: Robert Danby - 09.04.2023, 16:33 - Forum: The Office of the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth - Keine Antworten

The President's Office is located on the third floor in the North Wing of the Executive Palace.

The President is informed by a phone call that both houses of the Youth Parliament are in session and that a quorum of both houses is assembled.

As a former member of both houses, Robert is happy to see that the Youth Parliament takes its mission seriously and looks forward to returning to Confederation Palace soon.

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  1st extraordinary session 230
Geschrieben von: Arcadian Youth Parliament - 03.04.2023, 23:24 - Forum: Commonwealth House of Children Hall - Keine Antworten

The House meets on March 1, 2023 (ISC) to prepare for the address of the Ladinian Emperor of the West.

All members stand up as the Speaker enters the chamber. Everyone sat down as she arrived at her chair.

"Order, order. Today's business:

1st: Letters to the House

2nd: Roll Call

3rd: General Debate

4th: Adjournment"

The clerk hands her the paper with the letters' summaries.

Speaker: "The first letter is the order of the President that this House shall meet tomorrow to hear the speech by the Ladinian Emperor. The second letter is the letter I send to summon all of you to meet here today to prepare for tomorrow's meeting, and that also mentions today's order of business. The full letters have been sent to everyone via email, ParlaNet, and Magpie and are available in print at the usual stations."

She hands the paper back to the clerk.

Speaker: "The clerk will call the roll."

All names are called, and everyone answers to their name.

The clerk hands a paper to the Speaker, who rises from her seat.

Speaker: "Everyone is present, so a quorum of the House is assembled."

She hands the paper back and sits down again.

Speaker: "The Chairman of the Council."

The Chairman stands up from his seat: "Madame Speaker, I have a set of resolutions at the desk and ask for unanimous consent."

Speaker: "The clerk will report."

The clerk stands up with the first page of the resolutions in his hand: "Resolution 1: Informing the Youth Senate that a quorum of this House is present. Resolution 2: Informing the Present of the Arcadian Senate that a quorum of the House of Children is present. Resolution 3: Informing the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth that a quorum of the House of Children is present."

As the clerk sits down, the Speaker stands up.

Speaker: "All those against the motion say nay."

Nobody opposes the resolutions.

Speaker: "No objections were heard, and the resolutions have been adopted. The clerk will take care that everyone mentioned in the resolutions will be informed."

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  [Ladinian State Visit] Arrival at the Senate grounds
Geschrieben von: Arcadia - 26.03.2023, 18:03 - Forum: The Commonwealth Senate - Antworten (18)

Eine Fanfare erklingt, um die Ankunft der ladinischen Staatsgäste und der Regierungsdelegation anzukündigen.

Gäste und Regierungsmitglieder werden an dem Senatsgebäude vorbei geleitet und die Kolonne kommt an dem antiken Amphitheater an. Dort steigen die Mitglieder der Arcadischen Regierung aus und vier Offiziere der IAMP treten an die Pferde auf denen die Staatsgäste geritten sind.

Im Zentrum des Amphitheaters steht der Senatspräsident und die Vizepräsidentinnen und Vizepräsidenten des Senates bereit die Gäste zu begrüßen.

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  Notable Arcadian political leaders
Geschrieben von: Arcadia - 20.03.2023, 21:49 - Forum: Commonwealth Information Office - Keine Antworten

Presidents of legislative assemblies:

President of the Syndicalist Congress of the Arcadian Commonwealth: Mr. Llewellyn Carlon (Badger Party)

President of the Senate of the Arcadian Commonwealth: Mr. Lucas Florent Aubert (Badger Party)

President of the Youth Senate of the Youth Parliament of the Arcadian Parliament: Mx. Ryan Alexis McLeod-Moustakas (Badger Youth Party)

Speaker of the House of Children of the Youth Parliament of the Arcadian Parliament: Mme. Ñawqi Ruby Ticahuanca Laverdière (Alpaca Youth)


other Senate leadership:

Principal Vice-President: Mme. Kuliana Rowan Kalama-Lambton (Beaver Party)

2nd Vice-President: Mme. Sáibmi Leino (Badger Party)

3rd Vice-President: Mr. Jaden Yuval Yadin-Sutro (Tucan Party)

4th Vice-President: Mx. Keziah Achik Pinchi-Marcil (Alpaca Party)

Leader of the Badger Party: Mme. Elíná (Hannasdóttir-)Baez

Leader of the Beaver Party: Mme. Penelope Intira Vazquez-Tansoongnen

Leader of the Tucan Party: Mx Kaihautu Virgil Natana

Leader of the Alpaca Party: Mr. Awqasisa Neifion Llactahuaman-Mordecai

Speaker of the Independent Group: Mr. Raione Jaxson Sterling Ó Braoin-Mōrehu

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  1st extraordinary session 230
Geschrieben von: Arcadian Youth Parliament - 20.03.2023, 19:00 - Forum: Commonwealth Youth Senate Hall - Keine Antworten

The Youth Senate opens its new session on March 1, 2023, for the first meeting.

The President gavels three times.

"Order, order. The clerk will read two communications to the Senate."

The clerk stands up:

"To the Senators of the Arcadian Youth Senate:

I, Ryan Alexis McLeod-Moustakas, President of the Senate, do hereby call the Senate to meet at its usual place on 230-12-15 (Arcadian Calendar) for the first meeting of the session called by the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth.

The provisional agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1st Communication of the Senate
2nd Quorum Call
3rd General Debate
4th Adjournment

Ryan A. McLeod-Moustakas
President of the Senate of the Youth Parliament of the Arcadian Commonwealth"

The second communication is read:

"To the Commonwealth Youth Senate, Ryan Alexis McLeod-Moustakas, President,

I, Robert C. Danby, President of the Arcadian Commonwealth, do call an extraordinary meeting of both houses of the Commonwealth Youth Parliament to hear a speech by H.I.M., the Ladinian Emperor of the West, the Vice-President and Prime Minister will join me in escorting the Ladinian delegation to this meeting.

I look forward to the Ladinian Emperor's address and to the speeches that the houses will hear in response.

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Robert Colin Danby
President of the Arcadian Commonwealth"

The clerk sits down.

President: "I thank the clerk for reading the communications. The clerk will call the roll."

A roll call is made.

Clerk: "Mx. President, all Senators are present; a quorum is present."

President: "The Administrator of the Senate will inform the House and the Presidents of the Commonwealth and the Arcadian Senate that this house is in session, a quorum is present, and is ready to receive any communication they may be pleased to make."

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  [Ladinian State Visit] Guest Wing of the Executive Palace
Geschrieben von: Office of the President - 28.02.2023, 15:44 - Forum: The Executive Palace - Antworten (1)

The Imperial Ladinian Delegation have informed the Foreign Ministry that they will be needing three bedchambers. The primary guest bedchamber is prepared for the Western Emperor and his betrothed, the secondary bedchamber has been made extra comfortable for Her Majesty, the Empress-grandmother, the tertiary bedchamber has been provided with an extra large library, as the former Emperor will reside there any the government is well aware of his scholastic personality.

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  Arcadian Government
Geschrieben von: Arcadia - 28.02.2023, 15:10 - Forum: Commonwealth Information Office - Keine Antworten

The members of the Arcadian government:

The Cabinet of President Robert C. Danby:

The President: Mr. Robert Colin Danby
The Vice-President: Mme. Yaku Surichaqui Vilca

The Prime Minister: Mme. Waiano Ruby Wetere-Willoby
The Deputy Prime Minister: Mr. Camilio Moreno-Tores

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Mr. Lliwkilla Alca Surichaqui
The Minister of Justice: Mme Tang Yi-Jae
The Minister of Information: Mr. Lee Bond

The Minister of Economy and Resource Distribution: Mme. Penelope Robert
The Minister of Labor: Mr. Friðmar Seljason
The Minister of Social Affairs: Mme. Maddalena Zampini

The Minister of Education: Mr. Ingvar Furguson
The Minister of Culture and Minorities: Mme. Aelid Breden

The Minister of Family, Youth and Equality Affairs: Mr. Jairus Manullang

The Minister of Transportation: Mme. Hamdoona binti Aatif
The Minister for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources: Mr. Lorcan O'Kenna
The Minister of Animal Protection and Imperial Affairs: Mme. Rosalia Novella Foy

The Minister of Public Safety: Mme. Anita Souza Linhares
The Minister of Health: Mme. Eliana Azevedo
The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Research: Mr. Atua Taimona

The Minister for Qosqonian Affairs and Autonomy: Mx. Kit Ccahuantico Qori
The Minister of Commonwealth Development: Mx. Rory Sparks

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  [Ladinian State Visit] Arrival of the Ladinian Guests
Geschrieben von: Arcadia - 28.02.2023, 13:44 - Forum: Crabtree City Airport - Antworten (30)

The Imperial Arcadian Mounted Police clears a hangar for the Ladinian airship that will transport the Ladinian delegation tomorrow, the hangar is secured and will be guarded by the IAMP and the Senate Guard until the imperial delegation leaves.

The joined orchestra of the IAMP, Senate Guard, Crabtree City Constabulary and the Arcadian Coast Guard rehearses the music that will be performed to welcome the Imperial Ladinian Delegation.

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  Invitation to the Virtual Socialist International General Assembly
Geschrieben von: Liam Collyn Máirtín - 22.02.2023, 22:52 - Forum: The Office of the President of the Arcadian Commonwealth - Antworten (1)

Comrades of Arcadia,

I hereby invite an Arcadian delegation to the General Assembly of the VSI.

Agenda items include the revision of old and new members and elections to VSI offices.

Sincerely yours,

Liam C. Máirtín
General Concilior

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